Monday, September 3, 2007


I read this post last year on and saved it, knowing I would need to read it over and over during my first year of teaching. Knowing that my anxiety is already building up as I start my second week, I read it again tonight. It makes me feel better so I thought I'd share.

Things will calm down as time goes on. I used to feel especially
anxious every Monday morning. The stress can be overwhelming at
times. But honestly, the one thing I am taking with me as I end my
first year of that the more you are able to relax and
enjoy the experience instead of feeling like you HAVE to be on top
of your game ALL the time, the better off you will be.

Accept that you will learn more this year than you ever thought
possible. Accept that you will make TONS of mistakes...and everyone
will be okay even though you do. Accept that no one expects you to
be even close to perfect. And if you end your first year knowing
that you are better today than you were in September, you've

Be nervous. It's part of the game. But there will be days when you
have to say to yourself..."I'm doing the best that I can do. It's
time for me to relax and enjoy some of this experience."
Your students are little people with problems and lives of their
own. Treat them with as much compassion as you can. KNOW that you
will NOT LIKE all of them every day. When you break down and yell or
cry occasionally, forgive yourself. You're human too. Teaching is so
hard. No one gets it right all of the time the first go around.
Reflect often. Try EVERYTHING once. Don't be afraid to admit that
something that works for another successful teacher may not work for
you. But also don't be afraid to beg, borrow and steal. And go to
the master veterans for help and for answers. Admit when you've
failed and seek ways to improve with the help of those that have
been through what you will be going through. Don't be afraid to
change rules, routines, and procedures as often as necessary. You
haven't lost the game if you don't get it right the first week of
school. Tweek until you do. Things will start to work.

I didn't get my reading groups the way I liked them until May of
this year. I revamped four times before I got it right! I apologized
to my students every time I decided to try something new with them
and kept trying until I was satisfied.

Your students can be resources. Allow them to help you in the
classroom. They can be your best aides, guides, assistants, and
critiques. They are expert problem-solvers. Stuck for a fun game for
P.E.? Your students will come up with one within 5 minutes. Stuck
for ways to group or pair your kids up for a lesson or activity?
Your students won't be. Stuck for ways to reward your class or
consequences for breaking rules? Your students won't be. Don't feel
like you are a one-man/woman show. Don't feel like giving up control
is wrong. Allow your class to be part of the decision making.

Finally, accept that you are going to feel frustrated and inadequate
a lot. But also know, that the only reason that is true is because
you are striving to be the best teacher you can be. And anyone who
is giving 110% is top-notch, no matter how you slice it. Give
yourself a pat on the back often and don't be afraid to give
yourself breaks. Throw away a stack of papers if you don't have
energy to grade. Go in on the occasional Monday with just your back-
up plans in tow. Wing it once or twice during the week. Take those
personal days and treat yourself to a care-free day of shopping.
Allow yourself the luxury of turning away from your class, face your
white board and silently cuss the world around you. (Hehe, it can be
a great stress reliever.) In other words, be human and live the
experience the way it was meant to be lived.

You'll do great, and you will be a better person in June of 2007.
I had a tough first year, but I don't regret a second and I wouldn't
change a thing. Today was my last day of school, and I'm fried. But
I know I'm going to be 10 x the teacher I was this year come August.
And that's a pretty satisfying feeling.

1 comment:

SusanNM said...

You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think

------Christoper Robin