Sunday, September 2, 2007

End of the first week

I'm so glad I have a 3 day weekend. I was exhausted. I don't think I have been this tired since after I gave birth to Miles. While I was in college, I kept thinking about how all this preparation was like being pregnant. It was the time I had to imagine and dream about the future, to read and gather things I would need knowing I would never have a chance again once I got started teaching. Now, after my first week teaching, I think the metaphor is still apt but I wish it wasn't. Preparing my classroom was definitely labor. These first few weeks are going to make me exhausted and sleep deprived. Friday and Saturday, I felt overwhelmed, spread too thin, and frankly postpartum. I cried Saturday because I had caught a head cold, had no lesson plans for next week, felt like a terrible mother and wife who had abandoned her family, and so, so tired.

Life got better after I quit working on lesson plans and picked Miles up from his grandma's house. Today, I spent the whole day with Miles and Matt and just took it easy. I decided I'd work on school stuff for no more than two hours today and I wouldn't worry about it until those two hours started. By the time I was ready to sit down and get to work, I was refreshed enough to rip out a few plans quickly and feel good about them. I'm still tired. I'm still congested, but I'm beginning to feel more sane. Playing with my son is what I really needed.

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